Why Shop The Catholic Company?
A promotional video filmed and edited for The Catholic Company. All footage was captured by me, except the shot of the warehouse aisle.
Good Catholic | Fatima: 100 Years
Good Catholic is a subscription based service that offers multi-day digital content series. This series is called Fatima: 100 Years. I shot the interviews, collected and shot b-roll, and edited this video.
Fine Art
Bethlehem, U.S.A. Excerpt
A quiet town in eastern Pennsylvania, Bethlehem was headquarters of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, a 96-year-old company that provided steel for the nation, from the Empire State Building to the Golden Gate Bridge. In 1995, it ceased production and in 2001, it declared bankruptcy. While parts of the vast complex remain abandoned, service industries are moving in, and the site has become a tourist destination. Jessica Bandy Maloney examines the life cycle of Bethlehem from different generational points of view.
Let Me Tell You About A Steel Man
Richard Check worked for Bethlehem Steel for 44 years. This is a short introduction to his life as a steel man.
the tree outside my window
An observation of hurricane sandy from my studio in Manhattan.